Delhi School News : Delhi Health Minister Saurabh Bhardwaj issued instructions to all schools, children came to school in full sleeve uniforms

Delhi School News : A meeting was held in the Delhi Secretariat under the chairmanship of Health Minister Saurabh Bhardwaj to deal with diseases like dengue, chikungunya and malaria. In this meeting held on Saturday, Minister Saurabh Bhardwaj took stock of the preparations made so far from the officials of all the departments and instructions were also issued to all the departments. Senior officials of Health and Family Welfare Department, GNCTD, DGHS, MCD, NDMC, DUSIB, PWD Department, Education Department, DSIIDC were present in the meeting.

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Health Minister Saurabh Bhardwaj issued special instructions

The officials told the minister that an advisory was issued by the Education Department in May regarding dealing with diseases like dengue and malaria. The second advisory will be issued in the next week. A PTM meeting will also be organized in the last week of July, in which parents will be made aware about the precautions related to dengue and malaria. Officials also said that all schools have been instructed to ask students to wear full sleeve clothes. At the same time, homework cards have also been issued to all the children of the school by the education department, as has been issued in the municipal schools. Minister Saurabh Bhardwaj instructed the health department to issue strict instructions to private schools and ensure that all children come wearing full sleeve clothes.

Exercise to prevent dengue-malaria

Regarding their preparations, MCD officials said that children of all municipal schools have been given dengue homework cards. Under which all children will check the pots in their homes on a weekly basis to see if water is collected anywhere, if there is any possibility of mosquito breeding anywhere and will write its details on the card and submit it to the school. Medicines are being sprayed at places where there are chances of mosquitoes like dengue and malaria breeding.

Awareness campaign to deal with diseases

In the meeting, officials informed that 40 lakh pamphlets have been printed to spread awareness among people about dengue-chikungunya and other such diseases. Asha workers have also been trained to run awareness campaigns to deal with these diseases. Officials said that information about dealing with diseases will also be provided through radio. Officials also said that to prevent these diseases, the number of samples sent for genome sequencing has also been increased, so that by conducting more and more tests, the spread of this disease can be stopped.
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